Grigadale Arboretum Awarded Level 1 Acrreditation by ArbNet Accreditation Program

April 11, 2017 – Grigadale Arboretum in Lobería, Argentina, has been awarded a Level I Accreditation by The ArbNet Arboretum Accreditation Program and The Morton Arboretum, for achieving particular standards of professional practices deemed important for arboreta and botanic gardens. The ArbNet Arboretum Accreditation Program is the only global initiative to officially recognize arboreta at various levels of development, capacity, and professionalism. Grigadale Arboretum is also now recognized as an accredited arboretum in the Morton Register of Arboreta, a database of the world’s arboreta and gardens dedicated to woody plants. (more…)

Jornada de Quercus 2017

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Guided Tours Program – Autumn 2014

The program for our Autumn 2014 guided tours, scheduled for April 25 and 26, can be viewed clicking on the link below. It is in Spanish. Should you need info in English, please post a comment and we will contact you with details.

Autumn 2014 Guided Tours

Article about the oaks of Grigadale

The Bulletin, the quarterly magazine of the Argentine British Community Council, has published an article about the collection of oaks at Grigadale. You can read it by following the link below:

My father’s oaks – The Bulletin – August 2013

Programa de Charlas de las Visitas Guiadas en Grigadale Primavera 2013

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Jerónimo Pernías, arquitecto de Grigadale

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Visitas Guiadas en Grigadale – Primavera 2013

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Towards the end of May a group of 6 Southern Screamers visited us. They chose the lake for a place to spend the night. Check-in would be sometime during the afternoon, check-out at 8.30 in the morning. (more…)

Taller de Poda de Frutales en Grigadale

Mark your calendars: fruit tree pruning workshop at Grigadale on Sunday, July 28th, lead by José Luis Misuraca, responsible for last year’s well-attended and successful edition. More details in Spanish in the image below.

Taller de Poda de Frutales Grigadale 2013

Taller de Poda de Rosales en Grigadale

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Mónica Howlin will lead a rose pruning workshop in Grigadale on Saturday, July 27. For info in Spanish click on the image below.

Taller de Poda de Rosales Grigadale 2013